Saturday, May 16, 2009

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How you earn money every time a visitor to your site clicks on one of the ads.
The difference between putting ads where they’ll be seen on your site and where they’ll be overlooked (this can make the difference in a click-through rate of 2.3% versus 40%).
How you can get killer content for your site that you don’t have to write yourself.
How you can use a few simple tools to direct massive amounts of traffic to your site.
How you can automate your content, yet avoid being blacklisted by the major search engines for doing so.
The secrets of keyword-rich content (what it means, what it does, how to get it).
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But of course, that's not all...

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Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed - 4 Forgotten Ways to Increase Your Internet Marketing Sales By Wong Michael

Over the last few decades, more and more people have discovered the potential of earning a living through internet marketing. If you are one of them, you can increase what you are earning now by applying these forgotten ways:

1. Create quality website

If you are serious about making money with online marketing, you must grab a spot in the World Wide Web. Your website is your online store where your prospects can visit you and get more information about your offer. Make your website highly informative and easy to navigate to attract more visitors.

Plus, having an informative website will boost your reputation because internet users will immediately think of your website when they need certain information.

2. Article marketing

If you have been in the business for some time, you should know that a lot of successful internet marketers recommend this marketing tool. You can easily establish yourself as an expert in the field, build lots of back links and improve your page ranking.

Page ranking is highly important to your internet marketing business. You will get more visitors if you have a high page rank and that means more people are going to get your product.

3. Affiliate program

If you have no time to promote your products, you can get affiliates to do the marketing for you. Affiliates are motivated by commission and they will market your products using the most effective internet marketing tools.

So, your responsibility is to make sure that the affiliates are paid accordingly.

4. Launch informative webinars

A successful online marketing business needs customers' trust and loyalty. So, it is best that you share your expertise by launching your own webinars. You can offer valuable information to your prospects so they will feel that you know what you are talking about.

When your customers register you as an expert in the business, it is difficult for them to ignore your recommendation. Of course you are not supposed to exploit that image for your own benefit. So, it is wise to suggest products that are useful to your prospects.

Want to learn the secrets of generating your 5 figure income on the internet? Just visit


Wong Michael's personal goal is to help as much people as possible to be a successful internet marketer. He is relieved that people are making progress from his free internet marketing report.

Are You Making These Internet Marketing Mistakes? By Wong Michael

A lot of internet marketing newbie started their online business by joining affiliate programs. If you are one of them, you need to know if you are making these mistakes.

Let's say you already have the perfect affiliate program that matches your interests and skills and the merchant even provide you all the necessary marketing materials to promote your affiliate link. All you need to do now is to get people to buy your stuff.

But to the contrary of what the merchant told you, the conversion is not as high as what the merchant is receiving. And before you start suspecting the quality of the product and the merchant's promise, you need to look at the following tips

1. Never advertise the affiliate program directly

Your visitors seldom download the product immediately and this is normal for a buying process. Even you will need more convincing proof before you invest into a $47 ebook.

That is why you need to get your visitors to join your list before you expose them to the affiliate program. The merchants won't mind you do that and your visitors certainly won't mind revealing their details to you if you offer something beneficial to them.

2. Give something free and valuable

This is one of the fatal internet marketing mistakes that some newbie are making. Somehow, they are just reluctant to give anything out for free.

But know this, you need to first give before you can receive any profit from your visitors.

And it is easy to give away valuable thing. Be it a compact report you have written or other internet marketers' product that you have rights to distribute.

3. Fair trade

Before you reveal any valuable information to your visitors, you need to get your visitor's details for further contact.

This might sound a little bit stingy but as an internet marketer, you need to warrant your profit to pay for any investment to build your internet marketing business. So, you need to make sure your free material is indeed valuable for a fair trade.

4. Build relationship

If the information you provided is helpful, then you will start to build relationship with your list members. They are going to read your emails because you help them to avoid the possible online marketing mistakes.

5. Harvest from the relationship

Most people buy from a trustworthy source. Since you have shown that you are a sincere and helpful person, your list members are most likely going to trust your recommendation and download the product.

It does sound like a lot of work to earn your online income but remember this, you are trying to make a long term and a boss free career. It will involve work.

Want to learn the secrets of generating your 5 figure income on the internet? Just visit


Wong Michael's personal goal is to help as much people as possible to be a successful internet marketer. He is relieved that people are making progress from his free internet marketing report.

Discover Your Competitors' Most Profitable Keywords - About Keyword Spy By Avril Harper

Keyword Spy is a search engine tool that reveals exactly what keywords and phrases are driving the most traffic to your competitors' websites, which not only helps you generate targeted traffic to your own web site but also ensures you do so at the lowest price possible.

Keyword Spy really does locate all the information you need to spy on your competitors in whatever niche you choose. The software, naturally, works online, as do most business owners and affiliates even those operating with additional offline presence. At the site all you do is key in web site addresses, specific product types, even individual ClickBank Nicknames, or you can go direct to access personal details of leading affiliates for many different companies. Then, literally in seconds you can access all the keywords and phrases used by virtually any company advertising or promoting their ventures online. You can even study the exact advertisements responsible for generating fortunes for many of the world's top affiliates and product owners. You can even discover what organic keywords and phrases are being used at top sellers' sites to create their fortunes from organic search engine marketing.

For example, I'm a great devotee of marketing ClickBank products, both my own and other people's. I know it's a market shared by many fellow affiliates and I realise also, if I want to maximise my sales at ClickBank what better way is there to do that than spy on my major rivals for whatever products I wish to promote. I know some of those rivals are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month from ClickBank products, and I know also most of them do it by bidding on specific keywords and phrases, using Google AdWords, for example, or by using those keywords and phrases in articles and blog postings and other organic search optimisation techniques.

How do I learn what keywords and phrases make the most profits for those other people? How do I learn how much they pay for each keyword or phrase used at Google AdWords, and how do I know how many other people are using those same keywords and phrases? Simply I go into Keyword Spy, key in someone else's ClickBank Nickname, the title of the product, another person's web site url, for example, and within seconds I have all that information and more.

Here's something you might not realise: if you go to Google's search engine, key in specific terms to describe the product you want to promote, then look at AdWords using those keywords, you can learn, within seconds, exactly who has placed specific AdWords, how much they are paying for those ads., even how much they are making from those ads. You might be amazed to know that some AdWords promotions are generating many thousand per cent profit margins and costing literally pennies with just one or two rivals using the exact same keywords.

You are skeptical, of course you are skeptical. I was skeptical too when I first started researching Keyword Spy, so I decided to test how accurate Keyword Spy really is. I did this by keying in a website url I promote using Google AdWords and within seconds I was met by all the keywords and phrases I use for that promotion. Scary or what?

You can try Keyword Spy without signing up for membership, although you'll have only limited access to all this information about people making big money at ClickBank and numerous other affiliate sites, and you can also have a full cost free trial to make your first ten complete searches. If only one search generates a few hundred dollars profit each month that's got to be worth taking out the free trial or even signing up for full membership. Don't you think so?

I've created a free review guide to using Keyword Spy which you can obtain at:

Making Money in Internet Marketing By Robert Flowers

Making money isn't supposed to be fun, it's something you do because you need to. It is a primary and necessary component of being in business. Making money is about working hard and using resources. It is a short-term process, while creating wealth only happens in the long run. It is something that you can do alone. Internet Marketing is a good way to start making money.

Internet Marketing

Internet money: How to begin making money on the internet. Internet Marketing provides a wide variety of methods you can use to create a good income from the comfort of your own home. Like many others I have determined checking your stats is the biggest time waster in internet marketing. For those of us who make a living in internet marketing, full time checking stats interferes with productivity. Making Sales and Making Money has taken on a new meaning for this internet entrepreneur. In fact, it has created more internet millionaires than any other online business module. If you are new and wanted to learn about internet marketing, affiliate program is a great learning ground for you. Forum marketing is one of the free methods that the Internet marketing experts keep on encouraging people to use for promoting online business and generating web traffic. If you have a digital camera and access to the Internet, then you are ready to start making some money online.


If you want to earn income as a contributor, you must contribute social value, not personal value. If you want to make money from creative work or the internet, then your work must have social value. If your skills and hard work are not in alignment with the creation of social value, then you will not be able to generate income as a contributor. The best way to increase your income is to figure out how to deliver more social value. In fact, they synergize extremely well, especially if you reinvest some of your income into expanding your contribution.


Money is a social resource - the primary social resource. Money has no inherent value of its own, but we assign it value through social agreement. The value of anything, including money itself, is determined by social consensus.

But now I see how making money is almost ridiculously easy. To most people, making money is a hard thing to do. You have to realize the internet is now flooded with retailers, and although the chance of making money is still good, you're about 8 years late. If you are trying to sell widgets and there are 100,000 other websites selling widgets, your chance of making money is about as good as getting a hole in one on a par 5. The key to making money is twofold: provide your customers with excellent service, and don't waste time. However, I would suggest that while making money is important, it is not the only reason for being in business. Those who don't make money don't know about these Simple things, and so they assume that making money is a result of luck or pure chance, it is hard to do or something just as superstitious or silly. That is far from the truth. Your chances of making money is better now than it has ever been...

Making money in Internet marketing is a great source of income Learn to start your internet business the right way FREE with MlM NetWork Marketing Start Up Course Let this known expert Show you how he recruited 979 members in his organization while building a powerful lead list of 7,280 prospects. Raking in $1,289.340 in 19 months!

Goodbye Internet Marketing Niche By John L. Davis

Way back in 2006 I was a fresh-faced 46-year-old looking to make a quick buck in that crazy game called internet marketing. One of the first things I was told to do was find something I was really passionate about, create a niche around it, and turn that niche into cash. Boy, was I excited! For one thing, I knew exactly what that niche would be: Cartooning. I'd been drawing cartoons my whole life, so it was a no-brainer to turn my hobby into an online business. I figured there must be tens of thousands of cartoonists out there who would be eager to buy whatever I produced.

Boy, was I wrong! As it turned out, I made the same mistake that most beginner marketers make by trying to create a market where none existed. I figured since there was little or no competition in my particular cartoon niche, I had discovered an untapped market, and I was determined to mine it for all it was worth. Only one problem: the reason it was an untapped market was lack of demand. After struggling for months on an ebook, I finally decided to see what kind of interest might exist for my product. Yeah, you guessed it...zilch!

People just weren't searching for what I had to offer. As much as I tried to tweak all the keyword tools in my favor, it still wasn't happening. My niche was dead. Or was it? Most internet marketing gurus tell you that any niche that makes a profit is a good niche. Despite reality slapping me in the face, it was still possible to make money in my little corner of the cartooning world. But I'd probably have to work a lot harder and expect less reward for my efforts.

As it stands right now, I'm still going to get my ebook out there. I enjoy cartooning and I feel I have something to offer other cartoonists. My future niche selection, however, will be approached with a lot more caution. I'll do research before I decide what to sell. I'll find out who the hungry customers are and what they're buying. I'll purchase products and try them out to see if I want to be an affiliate. I'll create websites and test them thoroughly to see what works and what doesn't. I'll work smarter and faster because internet marketing is constantly changing. I'll continue with my cartooning niche, sure, but this time I'll be a little more grounded in what to expect. I won't spend months on something that just isn't going to sell. The one thing I like about internet marketing is that it's very forgiving. If I try an approach that doesn't work, I'll simply try another approach. I may lose out on time, but I won't lose out on a lot of money. And that, my friend, is golden.

John L. Davis is a cartoonist and internet marketer who strongly believes in the virtues of multiple streams of income. For more, check out

New Ideas Into Online Business Review Never Before Revealed By Izrul Fizal

It seems like every time you turn your head, people are talking about making money online. In this article, you will learn about online business review so that you will never get lost when you finally decide to do your home based business. There are several Internet business you can do, all you need right now is to understand the basic of Internet business.

The first thing about online business review that you need to know is to get the right education and information about it before getting started. Home based business is very huge indeed. There are legit businesses and also non-legit businesses.

Of course, you want to be involve in the right online business so that you will get the profit as soon as possible. You will lose a lot of money if you join the business that will not provide you any income whatsoever and you may get burn so fast that you will not even realize it.

Creating your own product and sell it online is the best way to make money fast and earn 100% of the profit. It may be difficult for you to create your own product at first but once you have got a hand of it, you will realize how easy it is.

Online business review is all about knowing what is the hot market and how much is the demand of the particular product you are going to create. You don't want to create a product which you feel will make you a lot of money but there is no demand for it. In other words, you need to determine the demand of your product first before creating it.

Next online business review will be affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is simply you will be selling other people product and earn some commission of the sale. You will be given an affiliate link where anybody who purchase using your link, you will get the commission.

To succeed in affiliate marketing, the best way is to create your own mini site with an opt-in form where you can get your potential customer email address in order to follow up with them.

Now lets talk about the other form of online business review which is called ebay. Many people have become millionaire by selling products on ebay. The basic concept of ebay is you list whatever product you want to sell and whoever bid the highest after a period of time which you decide, will win the bid and get the product. Usually, you will have to ship your product when selling on ebay and you cannot sell any digital or downloadable product here.

Paid-to-read program, paid-to-type and membership sites are also part of the online business review. As you can see, there are many online business you can get involve right now but you need to learn to succeed in one type of business first before joining other form of Internet business.

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Top 3 Super Affiliate Secrets Exposed By Shawn Lim

No doubt that affiliate marketing has created more internet millionaires than any other online business module. It is one of the best modules to make money online and it is a great learning ground for every new comer who wants to earn money online. However, although that affiliate marketing is easy and it can generate fast cash for you, there are still a lot of people fail to make money from it. This is why this article is written, to let you know the top 3 super affiliate secrets that can transform you into a super affiliate in no time.

The main reason people fail to make money online with affiliate marketing is because they are not doing it in a certain way. If you want to be a super affiliate today, you must follow through the footsteps of a super affiliate. They have invented the system and if you follow through their system, you will be able to create similar amazing results in your affiliate business. But before I tell you the top 3 super affiliate secrets, you must first understand that affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It is not a program that can make you a millionaire overnight. This is what most people misunderstand about affiliate marketing. They thought that it can make them instant cash and earn them huge amount of money in a very short time. Indeed that you can earn fast and easy money with affiliate programs, but they are real business that you must put in effort and time to develop. If you are not willing to spend time and effort into building it, you will never achieve the kind of income level that you always wish for.

That means, affiliate marketing is not a magic pill, you will need to put in both hard work and smart work to build a successful affiliate business. This is the main difference between a super affiliate and an ordinary one. Super affiliate treats their affiliate business seriously and they are committed. So decide that you will be committed to do whatever it takes to succeed in it before you start your online venture.

Now, anyone can be a super affiliate, as long as he or she follows through exactly what a super affiliate did. And below are the top 3 super affiliate secrets that you must follow in order to triple your affiliate incomes in no time.

1. Pre-sell instead of selling. Many affiliates did not understand this, their job as an affiliate is not selling, but to pre-sell. That means, you will act as the middleman between your affiliate merchant and the customer, you have to bring them both together. So how can you do this? By building relationship with your market and keep on providing what they want. This means, you will have to pre-sell the people in your market and put them into the buying mindset.

People surf the internet because they are looking for solutions to their problem or they are looking for information, if you can give them what they are looking for, you will be able to pre-sell them. Think about it, if you arrive at a website without any information that you are looking for, will you leave? Of course you will. What if the website is full of sales pitch? You will leave even faster.

Another question is this, will you buy something online from someone that you never heard of before or are you willing to buy from somebody you knew that constantly helping you? The answer is obvious, this is why your job as an affiliate is not to sell, it is to pre-sell, to put your visitors into a buying mindset.

2. The second super affiliate secret is this; you must brand yourself first before you recommend the affiliate products to your market. What you want is to build strong relationship and credibility for your online business; you want your affiliate business to constantly bringing in money for the long-term. And if you are not branding yourself, you are not building your business.

For example, do people in your market know who you are? What the visitors see the moment they arrive at your website? Do your visitors know who you are when they come to your website? If your answers are no, then you are not branding yourself. You want to establish yourself as an expert in your field, you want people to trust you as a third party that truly recommend good affiliate products that can solve their problems. This is why you have to brand yourself and not your affiliate merchant.

Once you have established yourself as an expert in your field, it will be easier for you to promote the next affiliate product to your market because people trust in you. So how can you brand yourself or your company? Very simple, for instance, you can insert your name or your company's name in the header, mention who you are and how you can help your market and so on.

3. The third super affiliate secret is this, stay focused and starts small. It is always easier to start small and keep focused in just one affiliate product. Think about it, why do people sell something at a lower price the moment they can charge for a higher price? It is because it is easier to make small money that big one. Imagine that if you can make 5 sales of $10 each and assume that you are making 5 sales each month. So each month you will be earning $50 without having to do much. What if you have 3 other affiliate programs that are also earning you $50 each month? You will be earning a total of $200 every month.

The best thing about affiliate marketing is that the whole process can be automated. Once you have developed a proven system, you can use that system over and over again and create more streams of income online. It is easier for you to earn $10 a day than to earn a million overnight. You might come across some great affiliate programs, but some will disappoint you because the payout is only $3 or $5. You may think that it is just not worth your effort to promote it. What if you can make a few sales a day? Then you will be making a few hundreds a day.

The key here is to roll in a few sales, and when that happens, just focus your effort into making even more sales. Once you have made sales, you will know that it is possible for you to make money online and you just have to multiply your effort to bring in more sales. Sometimes it may seem like a 'child's play' to earn a few bucks, but when adding up; they will give you huge amount of money.

These are the top 3 super affiliate secrets. As long as you learn and follow through each and every step here, you will be able to transform yourself into a super affiliate. Bear in mind, you will have to pre-sell and brand yourself in your affiliate business. Always think big and start small.

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